
As God blesses us, we cheerfully commit to giving back an amount in keeping with his generosity.

Giving is a reminder for us that everything we have belongs to God.

Click the link below to submit your one-time gift, or to set up a recurring gift as a regular contribution. 

Thank you for your gift, and pray for us as we seek to use these gifts and resources to bless others in our community, and to advance the kingdom of God throughout the world.

the impact of a recurring gift

One of the biggest benefits to online giving is the ability to set up scheduled recurring gifts.  Setting up scheduled giving allows you to be faithful and consistent in your generosity, and allows us to plan and budget consistently as a church. 

Click on the giving link above, and follow the prompts to set up a recurring gift. If this is your first time giving digitally, a secure account will be created for you. If you need assistance call the office at 662. 562. 6331, or email us at  

As always, we appreciate your faithful generosity!